Comedienne, Adekola Adekanya, also known as Princess, has narrated what transpired between her and embattled Nollywood actor, Olanrewaju Omiyinka, aka Baba Ijesha. She also revealed her relationship with him and how they became very close.
Speaking before the Lagos State Special Offences Court in the Ikeja area on Monday, Princess agreed that they started as work partners but later became close friends after her marriage crashed in 2013.
According to Princess at the court on Monday, she met Baba Ijesha in 2008 at an event and the two decided to start making comedy skits together.
The comedienne also claimed Baba Ijesha wooed her in the process of their work relationship but she rejected his proposal.
Princess said she got close to the actor afterwards, especially after her marriage crashed around 2013.
The comedienne narrated to Justice Oluwatoyin Taiwo that she invested in Baba Ijesha’s education.
Baba Ijesha was represented by Babatunde Ogala SAN, amongst others while the prosecutor, the Lagos State Government, was represented by Olayinka Adeyemi.
The embattled actor has been in the eye of the storm since April 22, 2021, when he was arrested for alleged sexual assault on a minor in the care of Princess.
Baba Ijesha is facing six counts of sexual assault by penetration, indecent treatment of a child, and sexual assault, which contravene sections 259, 135, and 261 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2011, as well as 135, 263, and 262 Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.
He, however, pleaded not guilty to all the charges.