For all those saying Mabel Makun, wife to comedian AY, went for body enhancement surgery, this is the truth from her husband.
Nigerian comedian AY Makun has come to the defense of his wife Mabel after persisting rumours that she has undergone cosmetic surgery.

The comedian cum actor in his defense refuted allegations that she has gone under the knife by stating that his wife is naturally blessed with a beautiful body.
According to him, those spreading the rumours are spreading fake news and need to stay out of his family’s personal affairs.
Prior to AY coming forward to defend her, Mabel had also gone on Instagram to shut down the rumors. In a post, she had said:

“Here is nothing that I have not heard, from she has done her body to fake body and surgery body bla bla bla. They keep singing it like a song don’t you guys get tired? You all are beginning to sound like a broken record ,” she wrote.
“Seriously though, let’s stop the bitterness and appreciate God’s handworkThe truth is, if in the future I choose to go under the knife, I will do it with pride.”
On his part, AY wrote:
“I do understand that a lot of people are bored this period with the lockdown situation. But let’s find a way to leave the Makuns alone and concentrate on how to stay safe from the pandemic that has engulfed the nation and the rest of the world,” he wrote.
“No disrespect to people who do Cosmetic Surgery. I believe that they do it for many reasons. Some want to look younger. Others seek to change a feature they’ve never liked. That decision should remains personal and highly respected as it becomes a boost to their self-esteem.
“It is also good to believe and respect that there are still people with what I call FOLLOW COME. Not everyone has made the decision to go under the knife yet, and @realmabelmakun is one of them. Friends and families who know us together in the last 15 years will attest to that simple fact.
“Some people are naturally blessed from generation to generation with the body. Except it is possible to believe that my daughter Michelle has gone under the knife too. STOP THE FAKE NEWS.”