My name is Evelyn. I’m an undergraduate of
Psychology and I’ve been dating a guy for three years. When we started dating, I discovered he was a
seminarian. This means he can never be married or have children. He is going to be a Reverend Father.
I was afraid, opted to quit but because I love him and due to my friends’
advice, I held on.
He is also a son of my father’s friend. I discovered that
he opted to be a Reverend Father when he was young and he explained to me that
we can continue with the relationship and that he would convince his parents
about marriage after his graduation.
But when he told his father, he was told that
was impossible! His parents are bent that he must become a Reverend Father.
He told me his parents knew about our affair but my father is
against it. Now, I’m pregnant and I have been warned in the church not to abort
again to prevent premature death. What do I do?
*Please send in comments to Evelyn, she needs your advice.