Uber Love Story Latest: Wife Tells Ex, “He Dumped You ‘Cos You Wanted To Force Someone Else’s Pregnancy On Him”

This Uber Love Story is taking another turn now that the wife, Ebiemi Shola-Okorodudu, a legal practitioner, decided responding to all that her husband’s ex girlfriend, Temile Fortune said in an Instagram post on Sunday.

On Sunday, an elated bride had posted how she met and got hooked-up with an Uber driver, who became a good friend, proposed and they are now married.

But her husband’s ex girlfriend, Temile then released some facts about him which indicated that Sola (the husband) is a gold-digger, wife batterer, unfaithful mate who dated her till August 27, 2016 and proposed to another woman in September!

Well, the wife responded and here is the screenshot below:wife responds1

wife responds2

wife responds3