Yemisi, who is the first wife of Prophet Joshua Iginla, the Senior Pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, has decided to speak up on how her marriage to the man of God Crashed.
The prophet had taken to his church platform on Sunday March 3, 2019 and announced that his marriage to Yemisi Iginla has ended.
His reasons? His wife brought an ‘unholy’ child to the marriage, he said he also went and impregnated another woman but his wife could not cover him.
In an emotional-laden voice, he narrated his story to the congregation.
However, his wife, Yemisi opened up that her husband told a lie to the cobngregation—she never had an unholy child.
According to Yemisi, a mother of three, her husband got involved with a South African prophetess, who ended up marrying the man of God secretly!
She said in a video message:
“Stella confronted me and told me that I should share my husband with her. I made her realise that he is a man of God but she said I am being selfish for holding on to my husband and if I don’t share my husband with her, she would take him from me.
I got her phone number and she would condemn me everyday. She would say many things. One of which was that an AS/AS genotype cannot be married. She was referring to me and my husband’s health status.
I overlooked it.
The next day, she sent another photo which she tagged, ‘naked demonstration of God’s love.’
My husband never told me about his relationship with Stella and I got to know he had a baby through her updates (whatsapp)
This was part of the battles I was fighting but I kept quiet.
In my inquisitiveness, I got some of the photos she and my husband were exchanging when she was pregnant.
If he (Prophet Joshua) says, I am lying, he should come up and do the genotype of my children. The three children are his. If he loves Stella, he would have told me that he wanted to go on with Stella, instead of tormenting my life and involving his family to torment me. Nobody knew the pain I went through
Even till November, 2018 I begged him and asked him if Stella is my now my wife, he should allow me accept that fact. I can cope with it afterall I have bore pains over the years and I now see that he cannot separate himself from Stella, the prophetess in South Africa
My major pain at that time that made me bitter was that Stella was always with him. It is to my surprise that he got married to Stella. I am shocked that he got married to Stella, I just got to know through this saga online. I’m shocked.
I cant say anything more than this.
My child’s health status he put out. I don’t want my child to say tomorrow, “Mummy, why didn’t you say anything?”
I have never ever lived a promiscuous life. Never!
My three children her his. I gave my life to Christ since I was 6 years old and I have been in the faith.
I’m sorry for those of you who said I should not have said anything. I’m sorry. I did this for my children’s sake and their destiny.
My husband is Brother Joshua Iginla.If he says this is the end of it, its not the end of life, God is with us all the time.
God is with us.
Have a blessed day.
Bye.” (sic)
Watch the video