Nollywood actress and mother of two, Chacha Eke-Faani is excited. Not because she got a juicy movie role. No.
She is excited that she took a decision four years ago to marry her husband, Austin Faani, who is a movie director in Nollywood.
The couple who is having their fourth anniversary today, June 1, shared photos on Instagram.
Chacha wrote:
“Today I Celebrate The Best Decision I Ever Made…Since June 1st 2013. What Was, Still Is…❤
#4yearsAnniversary #Mr&MrsFaani.”
Then, she captioned their family photo as:
“Amazing, The Blessings The Lord Has Given In Just 4years…??❤❤
Happy 4years Wedding Anniversary To The Faani Family. #Mr&MrsFaani. (sic)