1.Sex/age/profession: Man, 48, into business
Other details: Nigerian, Osun,
5ft 8”, a Christian, single, dark-complexioned and based in Lagos
Spouse specification: Woman,
Nigerian, any tribe, educated/employed/into business, single, a Christian and
age could be between 27-47 years
Contact: 08142491286
2. Sex/age/profession: Woman,
48, self-employed
Other details: Nigerian, Ondo,
average height, a Christian and a widow with two children
Spouse specification: Man,
Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, caring and age could be between 50-60
Contact: 08120683063
3. Sex/age/profession: Woman,
28, employed
Other details: Nigerian, south
west, average height, good looking, a Christian and single Spouse
specification: Man, Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, single, a Christian
and age could be between 33-48 years
Contact: 08066402897
4. Sex/age/profession: Man, 32,
Other details: Nigerian, Akwa
Ibom, average height, a Christian, single, fair-complexioned and based in Uyo
Spouse specification: Woman,
Nigerian, Igbo/south south, educated/employed/into business, single, a Christian
and age could be between 22-30 years
Contact: 07061676428
5. Sex/age/profession: Woman,
26, employed
Other details: Nigerian, Kwara,
5ft, a Christian, single, fair-complexioned and based in Lagos
Spouse specification: Man,
Nigerian, south west, educated/employed/into business, single, a Christian and
age could be between 27-35 years
Contact: 08064001126
6. Sex/age/profession: Woman,
28, student
Other details: Nigerian, Imo,
5ft 8”, single, fair-complexioned, pretty, slim, genotype: AS and a Catholic
Spouse specification: Man,
Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, single, a Christian, genotype: AA
and age could be between 27-40 years
Contact: 07032584625
7. Sex/age/profession: Man, 37,
into business
Other details: Nigerian, Akwa
Ibom, 5ft 7”, a Christian, single, fair-complexioned
Spouse specification: Woman,
Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, single, romantic, a Christian and
age could be between 35-45 years
Contact: 08170554575
8. Sex/age/profession: Man, 50,
Other details: Nigerian, Enugu,
average height, widowed, a Christian, and based in Nnewi
Spouse specification: Woman,
Nigerian, southeast, educated/employed/into business, dark-complexioned, single,
a Christian and age could be between 40-52 years
Contact: 08064537307
9. Sex/age/profession: Woman,
33, employed
Other details: Nigerian, Ogun,
average height, fat, a Moslem, single mother, and based in Lagos
Spouse specification: Man,
Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, Moslem and age could from 40 years
Contact: 07053379431
10. Sex/age/profession: Man,
45, employed
Other details: Nigerian, Ogun,
5ft 6”, a Christian, single, fair-complexioned and based in Edo
Spouse specification: Woman,
Nigerian, educated/employed/into business, single/divorced/widowed, a Christian
and age could be between 40-50 years
Contact: 07014015020


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Kemdee Global Communications Limited


Phone: 08033186434