Controversial Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh was on Thursday conferred with a chieftaincy title. She was crowned the ”Adadioranmma 1 of Nollywood.”
The actress, who has issued threats to drag any blogger or journalist to court if any video of her assaulting Churchill is posted on social media, has not announced any culprits, despite the video going viral on social media on Wednesday.
But several hours after the actress through the law firm, Festus Keyamo Chamber, issued out the threats, the video surfaced.
In the 19-second clip, Tonto is seen hitting at a shirtless Churchill in a house turned upside down.
There is no audio in the video, making it impossible to know what words were exchanged by both parties.
Tonto’s lawyer had earlier claimed that the video was edited to portray the actress as an aggressor.
They said it does not show events that led to her hitting Churchill.