Lepacious Bose Reveals As She Marks Birthday “I Had Everything To Lose Including My Life When I Was Fat”

Her size four years ago could have killed her. That was the revelation she made as she clocked another year today April 15.

The now trim Lepacious Bose, who is a comedian and whose real name is Bose Ogunboye, is a story of endurance, patience and persistence.

On her experience as a fat-turned-trim lady to the journey she embarked upon four years ago and the many doubting Thomases who thought she would not succeed at it, she wrote on Instagram:

Lepacious Bose (old and new)
Lepacious Bose (old and new)

“I sat across from the doctor, he asked me a simple question.
What will happen if you don’t lose weight in the next one year; I looked at him straight in the eye, I didn’t skip a beat, didn’t blink, didn’t hesitate when I replied him and said WON’T MAKE IT TO ONE YEAR; I WILL PROBABLY BE DEAD. Not because I had a sickness or disease but because I had lost the will to live and the energy to fight.
Today am grateful! !!!!! I have heard sooooooo many negative things about my journey ; at first it hurt so much, but now I laugh. I laugh because I am the one that walked/walking this road. I know the pains and the tears, the fears, the struggle, the hopelessness; I knew what was at stake. I had them before me daily. Na only me know as e dey do me ooo what this weight had robbed me of; I knew my WHY.
YOU have to know your why! You have to keep the picture of your why constantly, because when the going gets tough only the tough gets going.
People who give up on this journey probably had nothing to lose; I had everything to lose. I stayed with it cos it was the only option I had. It was this weight or my life; I chose life!!! I said yes to life!
It’s April 15 again Lord and humbly I come to say thank you for the grace you have given me I can never repay you but from my heart I have come to say THANK YOU.
#saviour #deliverer #gbanigbani #kokumo #defyingallodds #allthingsarepossibleinChrist #weightloss #destinyhelper #stilltoolegittoquit #fatslayer #stillsograteful #thestonethebuildersrejected.
” (sic)



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